46,097 First Time Spikers! (and counting...)

We are proud to announce that as of 2/13/2025 11:28:39 AM, we have introduced 46,097 to the joy of listening to spikes.

First TimersEventLocationDatePresenter
23Neuroscience for Speech Pathology and Audiology StudentsNew Orleans9/7/2022Rachel Fiore
8NeuroCUREDenver5/24/2022Cynthia Erickson
233Hull York Medical School Physiology BioPracticalsYork and Hull, UK3/11/2021Paul McKeegan
7Gunma Paz University Physical Activity LabTakasaki2/26/2021Akira Kimura
30Retreat Institute of Medical Psychology, Uni TübingenBad Teinach, Germany12/3/2019Carlos Oyanedel
20NS481 - Regis UniversityDenver, CO10/25/2019Ashley Fricks-Gleason
30Max Lab, Max Planck Institute for NeurobiologyMunich10/24/2019Matthias Meier / hirnkastl
7Kellyville Ridge Public School. Sydney. Science Club.Sydney10/17/2019Karl Easton
100Eleanor Roosevelt High School - AP Anatomy&Physiology courseGreenbelt, MD3/14/2019Ruilong Hu

Add your own!

Want to add your experience to our growing list? We would love to hear from you on how you shared the gift of science to others! Let us know about your event, and we'll add it to our site!